This article is tagged as #School. It was previously published on a different website as a part of Stephanie Pichardo's Senior Comprehensive Assignment.

Kanye West is both full of surprise and also left with a bit of mystery. For almost a year, West was absent from his twitter. On Wednesday, April 15, 2018, he rose from his absence and started to tweeting pictures of Saint Pablo (a song of his) Merch. This isn’t what got people talking.

On April 25, West began tweeting a series of controversial tweets involving Donald Trump and his support for him.
The tweet that fueled up people on twitter was a photo of a signed “Make America Great Again” hat. This red hat with MAGA written on it was used during Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign.

Before the twitter storm, he announced he’s releasing a new album due in June and a collaboration with Kid Cudi, who was formerly signed to his record label.

Days after, his album and collaboration announcement, he began his Trump praise.
It can be argued that he possibly is doing this to gather news outlets and people to speak about him because he’s releasing new content but West has shown a history of speaking his mind freely and not caring what people think.
At first, many users were confused and believed this to be a joke but then West continued to tweet his support and assure everyone he is not kidding.

The series of tweets began with West stating “You don't have to agree with trump but the mob can't make me not love him. We are both dragon energy. He is my brother. I love everyone. I don't agree with everything anyone does. That's what makes us individuals. And we have the right to independent thought.”
To everyone’s surprise, the President of the United States himself, Donald Trump tweeted back saying “Thank you Kanye, very cool!”

West then posted a picture of a “Make America Great Again” cap signed by President Trump.
He captioned it “my MAGA hat is signed” followed by a series of fire emojis.
Naturally, people began giving their opinions. One user said, “It's not surprising Kanye likes Trump... narcissists usually stick by fellow narcissists.”
People were beginning to get the idea that West had become a full-blown Trump supporter.

His wife, Kim Kardashian West, advised him to clarify what he is saying because people were beginning to get the wrong idea. He says “my wife just called me and she wanted me to make this clear to everyone. I don't agree with everything Trump does. I don't agree 100% with anyone but myself.”
Kim decided to clarify as well by tweeting “Kanye will never run in the race of popular opinion and we know that and that’s why I love him and respect him and in a few years when someone else says the same exact thing but they aren’t labeled the way he is and you will all praise them! Kanye is years ahead of his time”
Shortly after, Kanye released a new song in the midst of the controversy. He said, "I'm going to drop a song with a verse that will bring Ebro the closure he's been seeking. The bars. It's called Lift Yourself”
It was available to listen on his website
The song shocked many people with incoherent lyrics such as “poopity scoop” that Kanye raps on it.

The next day, he dropped another song called “Ye vs. the People” featuring rapper T.I.
In it, the song first verse starts with West saying “I know Obama was Heaven-sent / But ever since Trump won, it proved that I could be President”
West has not commented on his new song nor confirm the legitimacy of “Lift Yourself”
His album will feature 7 tracks and is due June 8 this year.